Q: What are the current programs and projects of the UAP which are directly beneficial to members?

Assistance Program. The Professional Development Center has launched an assistance program which seeks to develop architects as entrepreneurs and to assist architects in finding jobs with employers.

For inquiries contact Arch. Honrado R. Fernandez

Authorship Program. The Professional Development Center is studying another possible source of livelihood for the architect: the architect as writer. The Center has observed the abundance of foreign authored literature in commercial bookstores these days. Foreign authors are benefiting from a lucrative market instead of their local counterparts. The Center is drawing up guidelines to help Filipino Architects author literature for the consumption of the local market. The Center shall be granting assistance to qualified applicants.

For inquiries contact Arch. Honrado R. Fernandez

Modern Technology Immersion Program. The Professional Development Center is seeking ways to provide Filipino architects access to the latest technology. It is developing an observation tour of construction sites, facilities, plants and complexes.

For inquiries contact Arch. Honrado R. Fernandez

Book and Publications Campaign Program. The Professional Development Center is seeking ways to provide architects access to the latest architectural publication accessible to them at the UAP Library.

For inquiries contact Arch. Honrado R. Fernandez

Scholarship Program. The Professional Development Center is seeking ways to enhance the Filipino architect's preparedness for global competition. It is currently studying offering scholarship in masteral and doctoral degree programs in architecture, urban and regional planning to qualified UAP members.

For inquiries contact Arch. Honrado R. Fernandez

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